23–25 Sept 2019
Institute for Basic Science
Asia/Seoul timezone

A fundamental study on the distribution of contents for the dominant activation nuclides in concrete materials

23 Sept 2019, 13:00
Conference Room1 (S221-A), Science Culture Center (Institute for Basic Science)

Conference Room1 (S221-A), Science Culture Center

Institute for Basic Science

55, Expo-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea, 34126


Kenichi KIMURA


Concrete is one of the useful materials for radiation shielding in the points of its flexibility and inexpensively. The activation, however, is important problem at the decommissioning stage. For the above problem, we have been developing Low-Activation concrete, in order to reduce concrete radioactive waste, and establishment of activation data base for concrete and concrete raw materials. Quite few activation data were obtained for concrete raw materials (such as aggregates, cements, additive and son on) gathered throughout Japan during the past dozens of years ago, and the distribution figure between Europium and Cobalt were shown based those data. On the other hand, concrete raw materials were gradually changed because of decrement of natural gravel and sand and/or the supply and demand turn of events. These changes affect the concrete activation performance, so new data are gathered again, and analyses data are shown in this study.

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