Main categories

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- Academy of Immunology and Microbiology (AIM)
- Asian Symposium on Intense Laser Science (ASILS12)
- Center for Artificial Low Dimensional Electronic Systems (CALDES)
- Center for Axion and Precision Physics Research (CAPP)
- Center for Catalytic Hydrocarbon Functionalizations(CCHF)
- Center for Exotic Nuclear Studies (CENS)
- Center for Genome Engineering (CGE)
- Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research
- Center for Relativistic Laser Science
- Center for RNA Research
- Center for Soft and Living Matter (Soft Matter)
- Center for Synaptic Brain Dysfunctions (CSDB)
- Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe (CTPU-CGA)
- Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe (CTPU-PTC)
- Center for Underground Physics (CUP)
- Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG)
- Extremal Combinatorics and Probability Group (ECOPRO)
- RAON User Liaison Center
- Institute for Rare Isotope Science (IRIS)
- Information Technology Team
- Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
- Open test