SESSION II: T cell Biology and Mucosal Immunology
- Charles Surh
Kathleen McCoy
(Univ. Bern, Switzerland)
15/11/2015, 13:20
Ravi Verma
(IBS, Korea)
15/11/2015, 13:50
Kwang Soon Kim
(IBS, Korea)
15/11/2015, 14:15
Sophie Ko
(IBS, Korea)
15/11/2015, 15:00
Sungwook Hong
(IBS, Korea)
15/11/2015, 15:25
Jun Huh
(U. Mass, Worcester, USA)
15/11/2015, 15:50
You-Me Kim
(POSTEHC, Korea)
15/11/2015, 16:40
Immunomodulation of food allergy using Bifidobacterium longum by targeting of mast cell activity
Jung-Hwan Kim
(IBS, Korea)
15/11/2015, 17:05