Dr. Jong Soo Kim will give lectures on the following two topics;
Collider physics:
The aim of the course is the discussion of particle physics at high energy colliders in particular at LEP2 and the LHC.
The course covers following topics
1) Relativistic Kinematics
2) Processes at electron-positron colliders
3) Partons and Scaling Distributions
4) QCD
5) Basic processes at the LHC
6) Higgs Physics at the LHC
7) The hierarchy problem and the beyond the SM physics at the LHC
Prerequsite: An elementary understanding of the SM is assumed. In addition, knowledge of quantum field theory, in particular the calculation of matrix elements with the Feynman graph approach is required.
Recommended Literature:
- V. D. Barger, R. Phillips, Collider Physics
- R. K. Ellis, W.J. Stirling, B.R. Webber; QCD and Collider Physics
- D. Green, High PT Physics at Hadron Colliders
- M. E. Peskin, D. V. Schroeder, An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
- T. P. Cheng, L.F. Li, Gauge Theory of Elementary Particle Physics
CheckMATE tutorial:
Checkmate is a framework that allows the user to conveniently test simulated BSM physics events against current LHC data in order to derive exclusion limits. For this purpose, the data runs through a detector simulation and is then processed by a user chosen selection of experimental analyses. These analyses are all defined by signal regions that can be compared to the experimental data with a multitude of statistical tools. This tutorial will guide you through some practical examples to learn how CheckMATE works. We will consider several BSM reference models which you will consecutively analyse. In addition to CheckMATE, we will also run some other tools that are useful for collider phenomenology such as Madgraph and Herwig++.