Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe (CTPU-PTC)

An Overview of DESI and the first detection of the BAO signal using its early data

by Christoph Saulder (KASI)

Seminar Room (CTPU)

Seminar Room



"The Dark Energy Spectroscopy Instrument (DESI) is a highly efficient multiobject fibre spectrograph that has been designed to measure the expansion rate of the universe over a wide redshift range using the baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO). I will present an overview on its main science goals and performance this ground-based Stage-IV dark energy survey. Furthermore, I will show the first detection of BAO signal at already up to 5-sigma level only using the first two months of DESI observation. Using this early data as well as simulations, we forecast DESI to achieve a high-significance BAO detection at sub-percent precision with the completed 5-year survey data. This exquisite level of precision will set new standards in cosmology and confirm DESI as the most competitive BAO experiment for the remainder of this decade.