Aug 19 – 23, 2024
IBS Science Culture Center
Asia/Seoul timezone

Convex geometry of building sets

Aug 21, 2024, 1:55 PM
S236 (IBS Science Culture Center)


IBS Science Culture Center

Daejeon, Yuseong District, Expo-ro, 55 과학문화센터
Presentation (25 min)


Rick Danner (University of Vermont)


Building sets were introduced in the study of wonderful compactifications
of hyperplane arrangement complements and were later generalized to finite meet-
semilattices. Convex geometries, the duals of antimatroids, offer a robust combinatorial
abstraction of convexity. Supersolvable convex geometries and antimatroids appear in
the study of poset closure operators, Coxeter groups, and matroid activities. We prove
that the building sets on a finite meet-semilattice form a supersolvable convex geometry.
As an application, we demonstrate that building sets and nested set complexes respect
certain restrictions of finite meet-semilattices unifying and extending results of several

Primary author

Rick Danner (University of Vermont)

Presentation materials

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