Aug 19 – 23, 2024
IBS Science Culture Center
Asia/Seoul timezone

Piecing together quasi-graphic matroids from graphic pieces

Aug 23, 2024, 11:20 AM
S236 (IBS Science Culture Center)


IBS Science Culture Center

Daejeon, Yuseong District, Expo-ro, 55 과학문화센터
Presentation (25 min)


Nathan Bowler (University of Hamburg)


Quasi-graphic matroids provide a common generalisation of frame and lifted graphic matroids, with better algorithmic properties. We explain how to efficiently construct a framework for a quasi-graphic matroid given a schema for dividing that framework into pieces, each of which is graphic. This is joint work with James Davies, Daryl Funk, Jim Geelen and Peter Nelson.

Primary author

Nathan Bowler (University of Hamburg)


Daryl Funk (Douglas College) James Davies (Cambridge) Jim Geelen (University of Waterloo) Peter Nelson (University of Waterloo)

Presentation materials

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