Aug 19 – 23, 2024
IBS Science Culture Center
Asia/Seoul timezone

Filtrations of tope spaces of oriented matroids

Aug 22, 2024, 3:05 PM
S236 (IBS Science Culture Center)


IBS Science Culture Center

Daejeon, Yuseong District, Expo-ro, 55 과학문화센터
Presentation (25 min)


Chi Ho Yuen


Oriented matroids are matroids with extra sign data, and they are useful in the tropical study of real algebraic geometry. In order to study the topology of real algebraic/tropical hypersurfaces constructed from patchworking, Renaudineau and Shaw introduced an algebraically defined filtration of the tope spaces of oriented matroids (for a real hyperplane arrangement, the tope space is the homology of its complement) based on Quillen filtration. We will prove the equivalence of their filtration and the topologically defined Kalinin filtration, as well as the combinatorially defined Gelfand-Varchenko dual degree filtration.

Primary author


Kris Shaw (University of Oslo)

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