
Theory Session

6 Sept 2024, 11:00
Auditorium (IBS Science and Culture Center)


IBS Science and Culture Center

55 Expo-ro, Yuseong gu, Daejeon, Korea

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Ken'ichi Saikawa (Kanazawa U.)
06/09/2024, 11:00
Wen Yin (Tokyo Metorpolitan Univ.)
06/09/2024, 11:30
Jong-Chul Park (Chungnam National University)
06/09/2024, 12:00
Achamveedu Gopakumar (Tata Institute)
06/09/2024, 14:00
Krzysztof Jodlowski (IBS CTPU)
06/09/2024, 14:30
Tomohiro Abe (Tokyo Science Univ.)
06/09/2024, 15:45
Koichi Hamaguchi (Univ. of Tokyo)
06/09/2024, 16:15
Building timetable...