Topologically Stable Monopoles from Metastable Cosmic Strings

22 Jul 2024, 10:35
Muju Deogyusan Resort

Muju Deogyusan Resort


Dr Rinku Maji (IBS CTPU-CGA)


We present a novel mechanism for the formation of topologically stable monopoles with two unit of Dirac magnetic charges from the decay of metastable string network in an SO(10) GUT. Superheavy monopoles (masses ~ 1015 – 1017 GeV) can be produced with an observable flux from a string network with the dimensionless tension Gμ ~ 10-9-10-5 (μ is the string tension and G the Newton’s constant) in the scaling regime. They are accompanied by a high-frequency gravitational wave background from the metastable strings. We discuss the possibility of the production of relativistic intermediate mass monopoles (masses ~ 108 – 1014 GeV) which could be observed in neutrino detectors such as IceCube and KM3NeT.

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