Dec 2 – 6, 2024
IBS Building 4th Floor
Asia/Seoul timezone

[Itay Bloch] The RoW comag as a tool for DM detection

Dec 6, 2024, 10:00 AM
CTPU Seminar Room (IBS Building 4th Floor)

CTPU Seminar Room

IBS Building 4th Floor

55, Expo-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea, 34126


When bosonic Dark Matter (DM) has an ultra-light mass, it acts as a classical, coherent field. In many cases, and specifically for many models of axion-like-particles, this field has a magnetic-like effect on spins, and can therefore be measured by spin-based quantum magnetometers. I will explain the workings of quantum magnetometers, focusing on comagnetometers, which simultaneously utilize several species of atoms to achieve a variety of benefits. Currently, many such spin-based systems are limited by technical noises, such as their magnetic background. I will begin with a discussion of self compensating magnetometer, and from that move to my proposal for a new sensor called the RoW comag. The RoW comag should allow the removal of magnetic backgrounds at a tunable frequency, and would hence drastically enhance the reach of spin-based searches, allowing sensitivity to highly motivated DM models.

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