Dec 2 – 6, 2024
IBS Building 4th Floor
Asia/Seoul timezone

[Chen Sun] New “Twists” for Axion Searches

Dec 6, 2024, 11:15 AM
CTPU Seminar Room (IBS Building 4th Floor)

CTPU Seminar Room

IBS Building 4th Floor

55, Expo-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea, 34126


In this talk, I will first briefly review a few axion constraints derived from the astrophysical and late cosmology measurements, including the galaxy kinematics data from rotation curve, the radio signals from axion stimulated decay, the cosmic distance measurements from supernovae and galaxy clusters, and the solar axion detection enhanced by the recently proposed Axion Magnetic Resonance.// I will then focus on the mechanism of Axion Magnetic Resonance and its application to axion lab searches as well as its potential for astrophysical searches.

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