29 June 2018 to 4 July 2018
IBS HQ, Daejeon, Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone
There will be Welcome Reception at 18:00 on June 28, 2018

Solar neutrino flux at keV energies

3 Jul 2018, 14:30
Room B (IBS HQ, Daejeon, Korea)

Room B

IBS HQ, Daejeon, Korea


Mr Edoardo Vitagliano (Max Planck Institute for Physics)


We calculate the solar neutrino and antineutrino flux in the keV energy range. The dominant thermal source processes are photoproduction ($\gamma e\rightarrow e\nu\bar{\nu}$), bremsstrahlung ($e+Ze\rightarrow Ze+e+\nu\bar{\nu}$), plasmon decay ($\gamma\rightarrow \nu\bar{\nu}$), and $\nu\bar{\nu}$ emission in free-bound and bound-bound transitions of partially ionized elements heavier than hydrogen and helium. These latter processes dominate in the energy range of a few keV and thus carry information about the solar metallicity. To calculate their rate we use libraries of monochromatic photon radiative opacities in analogy to a previous calculation of solar axion emission. Our overall flux spectrum and many details differ significantly from previous works. While this low-energy flux is not measurable with present-day technology, it could become a significant background for future direct searches for keV-mass sterile neutrino dark matter.

Primary author

Mr Edoardo Vitagliano (Max Planck Institute for Physics)


Prof. Georg Raffelt (Max Planck Institute for Physics) Dr Javier Redondo (Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Zaragoza)

Presentation materials