29 June 2018 to 4 July 2018
IBS HQ, Daejeon, Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone
There will be Welcome Reception at 18:00 on June 28, 2018

Neutrino properties and their astrophysical consequences

29 Jun 2018, 10:20
IBS HQ, Daejeon, Korea

IBS HQ, Daejeon, Korea


Prof. Baha Balantekin (University of Wisconsin, Madison)


A brief survey of our present understanding of neutrino properties will be presented. A good fraction of the heavier nuclei were formed in the rapid neutron capture (r-process) nucleosynthesis scenario. Although an astrophysical site of the r-process is not yet identified, one expects such sites to be associated with explosive phenomena since a large number of interactions are required to take place during a rather short time interval. Candidate sites include core-collapse supernovae and neutron-star mergers. The dynamics of these sites very much depend on neutrinos. Implications of neutrino properties especially on various nucleosynthesis scenarios will be discussed with particular emphasis on collective neutrino oscillations. These oscillations of neutrinos represent emergent nonlinear flavor evolution phenomena instigated by neutrino-neutrino interactions in astrophysical environments with sufficiently high neutrino densities.

Primary author

Prof. Baha Balantekin (University of Wisconsin, Madison)

Presentation materials