Parallel Session 1-8: BD
- Loredana Gastaldo (Heidelberg University, Kirchhoff Institute for Physics)
Gray Rybka
(University of Washington)
03/07/2018, 16:30
Project 8 has demonstrated Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy (CRES) as a novel technique for performing electron spectroscopy. Applying this method to highest energy electrons from tritium beta decay will lead to a direct neutrino mass measurement. A proof of this concept was performed with a waveguide detector utilizing monoenergetic 83mKr conversion electrons. The demonstrator has...
Angelo Nucciotti
(Dip. di Fisica, U. Milano-Bicocca / INFN Sez. Milano-Bicocca, Italy)
03/07/2018, 17:00
The assessment of the neutrino absolute mass scale remains one of the most crucial challenges in today particle physics and cosmology. Nuclear beta decay spectrum end-point study is currently the only experimental method to provide a model independent measurement of the lowest neutrino mass. HOLMES is an experiment to directly measure the electron neutrino mass by performing a calorimetric...
Wonqook Choi
(Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT))
03/07/2018, 17:30
The goal of the \textbf{KA}rlsruhe \textbf{TRI}tium \textbf{N}eutrino (KATRIN) experiment is the determination of the electron neutrino mass $m(\nu_\mathrm{e})$ with a sensitivity of $0.2$\,eV/c$^2$ (90$\%$ C.L.)
by measuring an integrated energy spectrum of electrons from tritium $\beta$-decay.
The measurement of the tritium $\beta$-spectrum close to its endpoint at $E_0 =...
Joel Kostensalo
(University of Jyväskylä)
03/07/2018, 18:00
Highly-forbidden non-unique beta-decays are known to have electron-spectrum shapes which depend on the effective value of the axial vector coupling constant $g_{\rm A}$ [1, 2]. Resent calculations show that this is also the case for many first-forbidden non-unique decays. Moreover, the spectral shapes of first-forbidden $J^{+}\leftrightarrow \, J^{-}$ decays with $J\neq 0$ are found to depend...