CTPU workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology (Welcome workshop)

CTPU seminar room (IBS HQ, Theory Building 4th floor)

CTPU seminar room

IBS HQ, Theory Building 4th floor


CTPU workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology is a welcome workshop for CTPU PTC group. Four new members will give seminars on their current topics. The workshop will be a good opportunity for new members to share their research interest with current members.


Date: Sept. 18 10 am -12:30 pm

Location: CTPU seminar room

    • 1
      Composite Asymmetric Dark Matter Models From High-Scale Mirror Symmetry
      Speaker: Stephen Lonsdale
    • 2
      Induced gravitational waves as a probe of the speed of the reheating transition
      Speaker: Takahiro Terada
    • 11:00
    • 3
      BSM searches : Little Higgs models and Effective Field Theory
      Speaker: So Young Shim
    • 4
      Testing nonstandard cosmological models with N-body simulations and cosmological observations
      Speaker: Jiajun Zhang
    • 12:30