Jul 1 – 2, 2021
Virtual IBS
Asia/Seoul timezone

Participant List

53 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Alejandro Diaz MIT
Andreas Adelmann PSI
Bagrat Mailyan cup, ibs
Bongho Kim IBS
Byeongsu Yang CAPP/IBS
byungju park UST,IBS
Carlos Alberto Arguelles-Delgado Harvard University
Chang Sub Shin IBS-CTPU
Daniel Winklehner MIT
Eunil Won Korea University
Eunkyung Lee CUP, IBS
Hafizh Prihtiadi CUP IBS
HyangKyu Park Korea University
hyungjoe kwon ibs cup
Hyunseok Lee UST
Hyunsu Lee IBS
Insoo Lee IBS CUP
Janet Conrad Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jeewon Seo UST-IBS
Jinyu KIM Center for Underground Physics(CUP)
John Hardin MIT
JongGeon Kim Sung Kyun Kwan Univ.
Jose Alonso Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Joseph Smolsky MIT
Josh Spitz University of Michigan
Jungbae Bahng Korea university
K. Siyeon Chung-Ang University
kenji kadota ibs
Koun Choi IBS-CUP
Kyungmin Seo Center for Underground Physics
Kyungwon Kim CUP, IBS
Larry Bartoszek Bartoszek Engineering
Lauren Yates Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Loyd Waites MIT
Luciano Calabretta INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro
Mehedi Masud IBS-CTPU
Michael Shaevitz Columbia University
Mona Berlian Sari cup, ibs
Moo Hyun Lee IBS CUP
Roger Barlow The University of Huddersfield
SeoHyun Lee University of Science and Technology
Seok-Gyeong Yoon KAIST
Seonho Choi Seoul National University
Sin Kyu Kang Seoul Tech
Stephen Olsen Institute for Basic Studies
Sunghyun Kim IBS CUP
Sunny Seo IBS-CUP
WonKyung Kim UST
Yeongduk Kim Institute for Basic Science
Yoomin Oh Center for Underground Physics, Institute for Basic Science
Young Ju Ko CUP, IBS