Experimental efforts in pursuit of direct detection of cosmic dark matter

Jun 16, 2023, 9:00 AM
Science and Culture Center (IBS)

Science and Culture Center


IBS Science and Culture Center 2nd floor Auditorium , IBS, Daejeon
Plenary invited Plenary: Dark Matter 2


Jingke Xu (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)


Dark matter is a cornerstone of modern cosmology, and its identification is widely expected to reveal physics beyond the Standard Model. A wealth of well-motivated theories predicts new particles that could account for the dark matter content of the universe, and which may be detected by Earthly detectors. In this talk, I will review the most common methods used to search for possible kinetic energy transfer from cosmic dark matter to atoms in particle detectors, and the sensitivities demonstrated by these ‘direct detection’ experiments. I will also discuss the challenges and limitations facing these experiments, and R&D that may lead to more sensitive searches in future efforts. (Prepared by LLNL under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. LLNL-ABS-846609.)

Secondary category for the parallel session (optional) Dark Matter Physics

Primary author

Jingke Xu (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

Presentation materials