Inflation and tachyonic preheating with twin waterfalls

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Conference room (2nd floor) (IBS)

Conference room (2nd floor)



Adriana Menkara (Chung Ang University)


In view of the improving measurements of the tensor-to-scalar ratio, hybrid inflation remains a suitable mechanism to achieve low-scale inflation. However, as originally proposed, hybrid inflation with a single waterfall field gives rise to a hierarchy problem, also known as the $\eta$ problem. In this work, we consider an extension to the original model in which twin waterfall fields, related by a $Z_2$ symmetry, ensure the flatness of the inflationary potential. We study the initial conditions required for successful inflation and the post-inflationary epochs of perturbative reheating and tachyonic preheating. We also comment on how our model can arise from a microscopical dark QCD model.

Primary authors

Adriana Menkara (Chung Ang University) Hyun Min Lee (Chung-Ang University)

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