Confronting Dark Matter with Dirac Neutrinos

13 Jun 2023, 17:50
Auditorium (IBS Science and Culture Center)


IBS Science and Culture Center

Dark Matter Physics Parallel: Dark Matter 4


Dibyendu Nanda (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)


We propose a Dirac neutrino portal dark matter scenario by minimally extending the particle content of the Standard Model (SM) with three right-handed neutrinos, a Dirac fermion dark matter candidate, and a complex scalar, all of which are singlets under the SM gauge group. symmetry $Z_4$ has been introduced for the stability of dark matter candidates and also to ensure the Dirac nature of light neutrinos at the same time. We studied both thermal and non-thermal dark matter scenarios and the possibility of probing such scenarios through the contribution to the effective relativistic degrees of freedom $\Delta{N_{\rm eff}}$. We also check the stringent constraints on the free-streaming length of such freeze-in DM from structure formation requirements. Such constraints can rule out DM mass all the way up to $\mathcal{O}$(100 keV).

Secondary category for the parallel session (optional) Astroparticle Physics

Primary author

Dibyendu Nanda (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)

Presentation materials