Composite Dilaton Inflation

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Conference room (2nd floor) (IBS)

Conference room (2nd floor)



Dhong Yeon Cheong (Yonsei University)


This work investigates the possibility that our inflation originates from a composite theory. Taking an $SU(N_c)$ gauge theory with $N_f$ fermions in the fundamental representation, we consider an effective chiral Lagrangian involving a dilaton and pions. The walking dynamics of the theory constrain the potential specifics. We identify the dilaton as the inflaton, which resembles a hybrid inflation with the pions acting as a waterfall field in the potential. Analyzing the inflationary dynamics, we find a parameter region supporting small-field inflation compatible with Planck 2018 inflationary observables. We further discuss possible phenomenological consequences of this theory.

Secondary category for the parallel session (optional) BSM Theories

Primary author

Dhong Yeon Cheong (Yonsei University)


Giacomo Cacciapaglia (IP2I) Seong Chan Park (Yonsei University) Aldo Deandrea (IP2I) Wanda Isnard (ENS de Lyon)

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