The Yangyang Underground Laboratory (Y2L) was established in 2003, beginning domestic underground astroparticle physics experiments. In 2013, this led to the Center for Underground Physics (CUP) in IBS, establishing it as the central hub for dark matter and neutrino research. CUP has diligently prepared for the next 30 years of underground physics by completing the state-of-the-art Yemilab in 2022.
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Yangyang underground laboratory and the 10th anniversary of CUP-IBS, an underground physics workshop will be held from September 15 to 16. The meeting will take place at the international conference room (국제회의실) of Seoul National University, 25-1.
Here is the map of the meeting place: Link to the naver map, Link to the google map.
The style and communication language of the meeting will differ for September 15 and 16. The first full day will be dedicated to a typical underground physics workshop, celebrating the achievements of Y2L, including the 10th anniversary of CUP-IBS. The official language for the first day will be English.
The second day aims to bring together all individuals who have worked at the Yangyang underground laboratory to commemorate its 20-year history and accomplishments. The official language for the second day will be Korean but English is also allowed.
Organizing Committee
HyunSu Lee (CUP, IBS)
MooHyun Lee (CUP, IBS)
EunJu Jeon (CUP, IBS)
SeungCheon Kim (CUP, IBS)
JungHo So (CUP, IBS)
EunKyung Lee (CUP, IBS)
MyeongJae Lee (SKKU)
BongHo Kim (CUP,IBS)