Registration is open. The deadline is Jan. 29th.
This winter camp is a winter school mainly for third-year college students who are majoring or planning to major in physics, and also fourth-year college students who have not yet decided a graduate school. But we will not exclude graduate students and/or other undergraduate students. Basics of quantum mechanics I and/or thermodynamics may be included in lectures.
The number of expected participants is around 40. Participants will be asked for an recommendation from their advisor. (A recommendation form can be downloaded HERE.) Lodging (ICC Hotel, 55 Doryong-dong, Expo-ro 123-gil, Yuseong-gu, Daejoen, +82 42 866 5000) and meals will be provided, but participants will need to pay for their own local transportation.
This year, we will provide intensive lectures on three topics, Particle Physics, Gravitational Waves, and Cosmology. Lectures will be given in English, but, questions can be asked in English or Korean (or Japanese).
We will also introduce a newly launched Center of the IBS, Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe - Cosmology, Gravity and Astroparticle physics (IBS CTPU-CGA), to Korean Community and to know each other, which encourages us to exchange ideas, to promote future collaboration, and to discuss recent developments.
The list of invited lecturers is
Eung Jin Chun (KIAS) : Particle Physics
Chunglee Kim (Ewha Womans Univ.) : Gravitational Waves
Masahide Yamaguchi (IBS CTPU-CGA) : Cosmology
Organizers :
Eung Jin Chun (KIAS)
Dong Won Jung (IBS CTPU-CGA)
Chunglee Kim (Ewha Womans Univ.)
Masahide Yamaguchi (IBS CTPU-CGA)
등록이 시작되었습니다. 등록마감은 1월 29일 입니다.