Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe (CTPU-PTC)

6d exotic gravity multiplets: symmetries, dynamics and (swampland) conjectures

by Dr Yi Zhang (Peking University)


Among the allowed representations of extended supersymmetry in six dimensions there are exotic chiral multiplets that, instead of a graviton, contain mixed-symmetry spin-2 tensor fields. 
Notably, the N = (4, 0) multiplet has a four index exotic graviton and when compactified on a circle, 
the 6d (4,0) multiplets give rise to the same degrees of freedom as five-dimensional supergravity theories with the same number of supersymmetries. 
It was conjectured that an interacting theory based on this multiplet could arise as a strong coupling limit of M-theory compactified on T6.  
In this talk, I will review the above conjecture and present some recent studies on these multiplets in terms of anomalies, 
higher-form symmetries, gauge quantisations and swampland conjectures.