CTPU workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology (Welcome workshop)

CTPU seminar room (IBS HQ, Theory Building 4th floor)

CTPU seminar room

IBS HQ, Theory Building 4th floor


CTPU workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology is a welcome workshop for CTPU PTC group. Four new members will give seminars on their current topics. The workshop will be a good opportunity for new members to share their research interest with current members.


Date: Nov 18 10 am -3:30 pm

Location: CTPU seminar room

    • 1
      Flux compactifications in String Theory and Connections to Modularity
      Speaker: Sören Kotlewski
    • 2
      Light scalars at future colliders
      Speaker: Huayang Song
    • 12:00 PM
    • 3
      Machine Learning for understanding galactic dark matter in the local Universe
      Speaker: Sung Hak Lim
    • 4
      The Lithium Problem and BSM Physics: Constraints and Solutions from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
      Speaker: Sougata Ganguly