May 26 – 30, 2025
IBS headquater
Asia/Seoul timezone

This page is still tentative and the registration has not yet begun.


Black hole physics is a vibrant field of research that has seen numerous significant advancements in recent years, playing an increasingly crucial role in fundamental physics. The study of black hole perturbation is crucial in various aspects of black hole phenomena, including gravitational wave theory, binary black hole inspiral, ring-down processes, black hole superradiance, etc.

The purpose of this workshop is to exchange ideas, to promote collaboration, and to discuss recent developments in black hole physics.


The list of invited speakers: 

To be announced. 


If you wish to attend this workshop, please register it. We will also accept a small number of contributed talks, which will be assigned to (TBA). If you wish to give a contributed talk, please register it with the application of a contributed talk (with its talk title and abstract) by (TBA) in KST. But, the selection will be made by the organizing committee.  Please note that due to staff shortages, we will not be able to support VISA applications from non-invited speakers except special cases.


The list of organizers: 
Emanuele Berti (Johns Hopkins)
Vitor Cardoso (Niels Bohr Institute) 
Masashi Kimura (Daiichi Inst. Tech.)
Helvi Witek (UIUC)
Masahide Yamaguchi (IBS) 
Huiyu Zhu (IBS) 

IBS headquater
Registration for this event is currently open.