Neutron removal from deformed 31Ne

30 Jun 2017, 11:20
Hotel ICC, Daejeon, Korea

Hotel ICC, Daejeon, Korea

4-29 Doryong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea; Tel +82 42)866-5000~5003
Oral Presentation Session 12 (Chair: C.-H. Lee)


Juhee Hong


Experimental data on Coulomb breakup and neutron removal indicate that 31Ne is the heaviest halo driven by deformation. The possible ground state of 31Ne is either 3/2- or 1/2+. To study the neutron removal from 31Ne, we use a knockout model with deformed single-particle wave functions and investigate the deformation effects on cross sections and longitudinal momentum distributions. Our numerical analysis shows a preference for the 31Ne ground state with spin-parity 3/2-.

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