Aug 7 – 11, 2017
Asia/Seoul timezone

Scientific Program

Course 1 : Flavor Physics (유채현)

1. Flavor physics and the Standard Model

2. Discrete symmetry and CKM matrix

3. Renormalization and muon g-2

4. RG and Effective field theory

5. CP violation and BSM flavor physics


Ta-Pei Cheng Ling-Fong Li, Gauge theory of elementary particle physics (1982)

Ho Kim, Elementary Particles and Their Interactions (2004)

Peskin and Schroeder, Introduction to Quantum Field Theory (1995)

Thomas Mannel, Effective Field Theories in Flavour Physics (2004)

Jorge C. Romao, Modern Techniques for One-Loop Calculations (2006)

Andrzej J. Buras, Weak Hamiltonican, CP Violation and Rare Decays, hep-ph/9806471

Marc Knecht, The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon: a theoretical introduction, hep-ph/0307239

K.S. Babu, TASI Lectures on Flavor Physics, arXiv:0910.2948

S.J. Lee and H. Serodio, A Short Guide to Flavour Physics and CP Violation, arXiv:1504.07549


Course 2 : Introduction to Cosmology (최기영)

1. 팽창하는 우주

2. 초기핵합성과 입자물리

3. 우주배경복사와 입자물리

4. 우주론과 입자물리


Kolb and Turner, The Early Universe


Course 3 : Dark Matter (박종철)

1. 암흑 물질 소개

2. 암흑 물질의 생성

3. 암흑 물질 직접 탐색

4. 암흑 물질과 우주선(cosmic-ray)

5. 암흑 물질과 입자 가속기

참고 서적

The Early Universe (by Edward Kolb & Michael Turner)