CTPU workshop on Partice Physics and Cosmology is a welcome workshop for CTPU PTC group. Current members will review their recent researches and two new members will give seminars on their current topics.
Date: Oct. 11 11am -3:30 pm
Location: CTPU seminar room
11:00 am Mengchao Zhang -Searching for a dark sector at LHC
11:15 am Sushant Raut - Neutrino Physics
11:30 am Chanbeom Park: New physics implications from the B-meson anomalies
11:45 am Thomas Flacke - Exotic LHC signatures from natural SM extensions: Mind the gaps
Lunch (Welcome party)
1:00 pm Fa Peng Huang- Probing new physics by gravitational waves
1:15 pm Jeff Kost - Spontaneous Leptogenesis in Continuum-Clockwork Axion Models
1:30 pm Kyu Jung Bae - Beyond-the-standard-model in the early universe
1:45 pm Gansukh Tumurtushaa - Constant-roll inflation
2 pm 30min Break
2:30 pm Di Xu - Large N limit and supersymmetric QCD
3:00 pm DongJin Chawy - Light scalar fields and de Sitter swampland