20–22 Dec 2021
Yangpyeong The Bloomvista
Asia/Seoul timezone

Combinatorics of Euclidean spaces over finite fields

21 Dec 2021, 10:30
Yangpyeong The Bloomvista

Yangpyeong The Bloomvista

경기도 양평군 강하면 강남로 316
Contributed talk Session


Semin Yoo (KIAS)


$q$-analogues of quantities in mathematics involve perturbations of classical quantities using the parameter $q$, and revert to the original quantities when $q$ goes $1$. An important example is the $q$-analogues of binomial coefficients, which give the number of $k$-dimensional subspaces in $\mathbb{F}_{q}^{n}$. When $q$ goes to $1$, this reverts to the binomial coefficients which measure the number of $k$-sets in $\left [ n \right ]$.

In this talk, we describe a formula of the number of quadratic subspaces of Euclidean type in $(\mathbb{F}_{q}^{n},x_{1}^{2}+\cdots+x_{n}^{2})$, which can be described as the form of the analogue of binomial coefficients. The main goal of this talk is to explain this new analogue of binomial coefficients and to study their related combinatorics.

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