September 30, 2022 to October 1, 2022
Asia/Seoul timezone

The annual conference on Combinatorics Workshop (조합론 학술대회) was begun in 2004 by the Yonsei University BK21 Research Group. Since 2013, this workshop has been advised by the committee of discrete mathematics of the Korean Mathematical Society. This year it will take place at GIST in Gwangju on September 30 - October 1, 2022.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together active researchers with different backgrounds to discuss recent and prospective advances in combinatorics and related areas.


Starting in the afternoon of September 30 (Friday) and ending in the afternoon of October 1 (Saturday).

There will be 4 invited talks and 9 contributed talks.

Using English is recommended if there are non-Korean participants in the audience.

It will be an offline meeting.

Invited Speakers

  • Andeas Holmsen, KAIST
    • Some new results on geometric transversals
  • Seog-jin Kim, Konkuk University
    • Introduction to DP-coloring
  • Seung Jin Lee, Seoul National University
    • Chromatic quasisymmetric functions and linked rook placements
  • Hayan Nam, Duksung Women's University
    • New connections between numerical semigroups and integer partitions

Contributed Talks

If you are interested in giving a contributed talk at the workshop, then please submit the abstract by September 4 at this website. Each contributed talk will be 20-25 minutes long.


The registration deadline: September 11, 2022. Please register at this website.


We booked rooms at Hotel Hive Inn (, which is a new hotel near GIST (30 minutes by walk). Price is at your own expense, but you can stay at the hotel without reservation. If you want to stay at Hotel Hive Inn, please declare it in the registration form. In that case, please complete your registration by August 28, 2022.

(If you miss the deadline but want to stay at Hotel Hive Inn, you have to make a separate reservation. The price may be different.)


Here is a list of some other hotels near GIST:

- Noble Stay Hotel (노블스테이호텔 (

- Duzon Hotel (더존호텔 (

- Empire Tourist Hotel (엠파이어관광호텔 (


광주광역시 북구 첨단과기로 123, 광주과학기술원
(Gwanju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), 123 Cheomdangwagi-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju)

  • 자가운전 차량(고속도로) 이용 시
    - 호남선 하행: 광주요금소를 지나 4km 지점에서 광산IC(하남.첨단단지)로 우회전하고,우회전 직후 첨단단지 방향으로 다시 우회전한 후, 지하도를 지나 1km 직진하면 좌측에 광주과학기술원 위치 (10분 내외)
    - 호남선 상행: 동광주요금소를 지나 광산IC(하남.첨단단지)로 우회전하고, 우회전 직후 첨단단지 방향으로 다시 우회전한 후, 지하도를 지나 1km 직진하면 좌측에 광주과학기술원 위치 (20분 내외)
  • 항공 이용 시
    - 광주 공항 도착 후 출구 앞에서 택시 탑승 (20분 내외)
  • 고속버스 이용 시
    - 비아임시하차장: 고속버스 탑승 시, 비아임시하차장에서 하차 가능 여부 확인 필요, 하차 후 택시 탑승 (10분 내외)
    - 광주종합버스터미널(유스퀘어): 택시 이용(30분 내외) 또는 첨단09(급행)-쌍암공원 정류장 하차 / 매월16(간선)-과기원 정류장 하차 / 첨단30(간선)-과기원 정류장 하차 중 택1 (60~90분 내외)
  • 항공편 또는 고속버스 이용 시 단시간의 버스노선이 없으므로 택시 이용을 추천합니다.
    We recommend taking a taxi from the terminal when using an airplane or express bus. 

Organizing Committee

Host and Sponsers

Room 101, Oryoung Hall, Gwanju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), 123 Cheomdangwagi-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju
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