Jul 11 – 15, 2016
Daejeon, Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

Faking The Diphoton Excess (?) by Displaced Dark Photon Decays

Jul 14, 2016, 10:20 AM
CTPU seminar room (Daejeon, Korea)

CTPU seminar room

Daejeon, Korea


Yuhsin Tsai (Maryland)


When passing identification cuts, a particle beyond SM can fake an SM object in a collider experiment. In this talk, I show how a light and meta-stable dark photon which decays into e+e- can fake an SM photon, either converted or unconverted, at the LHC. Using the recent hint of 750 GeV diphoton signal as an example, we discuss the distinct feature of the fake photon signal and how the signal can be imbedded into a larger class of theoretical explanation for the 750 GeV. I also discuss possible ways of distinguishing these dark photon decays from real photon events in the future.

Presentation materials