David Morrissey
7/11/16, 10:20 AM
Neelima Sehgal
(Stony Brook)
7/12/16, 9:30 AM
Walter Bonivento
(INFN Cagliari)
7/13/16, 9:30 AM
SHIP is a new general purpose fixed target facility, whose Technical Proposal has been recently reviewed by the CERN SPS Committee, who recommended that the experiment proceeds further to a Comprehensive Design phase. In its initial phase, the 400GeV proton beam extracted from the SPS will be dumped on a heavy target with the aim of integrating $2\times 10^{20}$ pot in 5 years. A dedicated...
Ann Nelson
7/14/16, 9:30 AM
I discuss some recent work on oscillations of heavy neutral fermions, including neutral baryons. I discuss how to obtain sizable CP violation in such oscillations, and possible connections with baryogenesis and with dark matter.
Ernest Ma
7/15/16, 9:30 AM
The possible connection between neutrinos and light dark matter
is explored. There are a number of interesting scenarios, including
(I) the scattering of light dark matter off neutrinos in the Universe,
(II) the radiative generation of neutrino masses from warm dark matter,
and (III) the emergence of warm dark matter in left-right symmetry.
Patrick deNiverville
7/15/16, 10:20 AM