New physics searches at future muon colliders

13 Jun 2023, 17:50
305 (IBS Science and Culture Center)


IBS Science and Culture Center

Collider Physics Parallel: Collider Physics


Dr Adil Jueid (CTPU-IBS)


In this talk I will discuss the potential of muon colliders in finding new physics signals at muon colliders. I will briefly comment on the pros of muon colliders as compared to electron-positron colliders and hadron-hadron colliders. I will then discuss the dark-matter production at muon colliders in 54 production channels. Finally I will comment on the discovery potential for neutrino mass generation models taking the Zee-Babu model as an example.

Secondary category for the parallel session (optional) Flavor Physics

Primary author

Dr Adil Jueid (CTPU-IBS)

Presentation materials