Mass-varying gauge boson that couples to the dark energy field

15 Jun 2023, 15:40
Conference room (2nd floor) (IBS Science and Culture Center)

Conference room (2nd floor)

IBS Science and Culture Center


Jiheon Lee (KAIST)


We study the dark gauge boson in the gauged quintessence model. The gauged quintessence is the dark energy field under a gauge symmetry, and therefore its mass varies as the quintessence scalar value changes. The change of the dark gauge boson mass brings interesting consequences. The evolution of the universe is sensitively affected by the mass-varying dark gauge boson. We study various phenomenology of the dark gauge boson, including its production, evolution, and other implications.

Secondary category for the parallel session (optional) Cosmology

Primary authors

Hye-Sung Lee (KAIST) Jaeok Yi (KAIST) Jiheon Lee (KAIST) Prof. kunio kaneta (Tokyo Woman's Christian University)

Presentation materials