
Program of ExHILP 2023


Day 1: Sep. 12 (Tue.)                                                                                     

9:00-9:15             Welcome address

9:15-10:00            (Keynote) Matteo Tamburini, Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics

                           “Numerical Methods and Theory of Strong-Field QED”

Session 1. Theory and numerical methods for strong-field QED

Chair: Arkady Gonoskov, Univ. of Gothenburg

10:00-10:30          (Invited) Luca Fedeli, Univ. Paris-Saclay

                           “Simulating Strong-Field QED on contemporary supercomputers”

10:30-11:00          Coffee break

11:00-11:15          Samuele Montefiori, Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics

“SFQEDtoolkit: an open source high-performance library for the accurate modeling of strong-field QED processes in codes”

11:15-11:30          Uwe Acosta, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

“Monte-Carlo event generation for the interaction of x-ray laser fields and hot electrons”

11:30-12:15          (Invited) Christian Schubert, Univ. of Michoacan

                           “Efficient calculation of one-loop processes in constant and plane-wave fields”

12:15-13:30          Welcome reception

13:30-14:15          Lab tour: group 1

Session 2. QED plasmas: generation and dynamics

Chair: Luca Fedeli, Univ. Paris-Saclay

14:15-14:45          (Invited) Arkady Gonoskov, Univ. of Gothenburg

                           “Charged particle motion and radiation in strong electromagnetic fields”

14:45-15:00          Christopher Arran, University of York

                           “Optimising Breit-Wheeler Pair Production in High Intensity Laser Experiments”

15:00-15:15          Alexander Samsonov, Heinrich-Heine-Universität

“Generation of electron-positron pairs in interaction of multiple laser pulses with a foil at grazing angle”

15:15-15:30          Deepak Sah, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology

“Longitudinal Momentum Spectra of pair created in pulsed electric field at finite time”

15:30-16:00          Coffee break

16:00-16:30          (Invited) Mickael Grech, LULI, CNRS

                           “Pair production in photon- and electron-seeded electromagnetic showers”

16:30-16:45          Arseny Mironov, LULI, Sorbonne Univ.

“Analytical model of selfsustained QED cascades in ultra-intense laser fields: onset and the particle growth rate”

16:45-17:00          Florent Brun, Centre Laser Intenses et Applications

                           “Gamma ray production by intense attosecond pulses”

17:00-17:15          You Hwan Noh, Center for Relativistic Laser Science

“Generation of charge-neutral electron-positron beams using high-energy bremsstrahlung photons”

17:15-17:30          Suo Tang, Ocean University of China

                           “Plasma harmonic generation for highly efficient Breit-Wheeler pair creation”



Day 2: Sep. 13 (Wed.)                                                                                     

9:00-9:45             (Keynote) Gianluca Sarri, Queen's Univ. of Belfast

“LUXE: A new experiment to study non-perturbative QED in electron-laser and photon-laser collisions”

Session 3. Strong-field QED experiments

Chair: Matteo Tamburini, Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics

9:45-10:15            (Invited) Mohammad Mirzaie, Center for Relativistic Laser Science

“Strong-field QED research via Compton scattering pursued with the 4PW laser at CoReLS”

10:15-10:30          Tatiana Smorodnikova, Stanford PULSE Institute

                           “Experiment 320 at SLAC”

10:30-11:00          Coffee break

11:00-11:30          (Invited) Felipe Salgado, Friedrich-Schiller Univ. Jena

“Pair-Production in the Non-Perturbative Regime at CALA: First Background Measurements and Experiment Updates”

11:30-11:45          Elias Gerstmayr, Queen's University Belfast

                           “Single-shot diagnostics for high-flux gamma-ray beams”

11:45-12:00          Calin Hojbota, Center for Relativistic Laser Science

“High-energy particle detection in laser-electron collisions for Strong-Field QED experiments”

12:00-12:15          Wendell Hill, III, Univ. of Maryland

                           “Petawatt metrology for nonlinear QED experiments”

12:15-12:30          Christoffer Olofsson, Univ. of Gothenburg

“Prospects for statistical tests of strong-field quantum electrodynamics with high-intensity lasers”

12:30-13:30          Lunch

13:30-14:15          Lab tour: group 2

14:15-15:30          Poster session (The list of presentations is at the end)

Session 4. Ultra-intense laser facilities

Chair: Seong Ku Lee, Center for Relativistic Laser Science

15:30-16:00          (Invited) Bob Bingham, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

                           “Extreme field physics using intense lasers and particle beams”

16:00-16:30          (Invited) Anatoly Maksimchuk, G. Mourou Center for Ultrafast Optical Science

“The ZEUS laser facility: current performance and plans for strong field QED experiments”

16:30-17:00          (Invited) Liangliang Ji, Shanghai Inst. of Optics and Fine Mechanics

“Recent Progress of the SEL-100PW Laser Station and Strong-Field QED Physics at SIOM”

17:00-17:15          Wenchao Yan, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.

                           “High-Field Physics on Dual-Beam Ultrafast High-Power Lasers at SJTU”



Day 3: Sep. 14 (Thr.)                                                                                   

9:00-9:45             (Keynote) Frederico Fiuza, Instituto Superior Tecnico

                           “High-Energy Plasma Astrophysics”

Session 5. Vacuum polarization and breakdown

Chair: Sang Pyo Kim, Kunsan National Univ.

9:45-10:15            (Invited) Baifei Shen, Shanghai Normal Univ.

                           “Photon-photon scattering and axion-like particle generation”

10:15-10:30          Martin Jirka, The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC

“Synergic Cherenkov-Compton emission in a laser-particle collision”

10:30-11:00          Coffee break

11:00-11:30          (Invited) Adrien Kraych, Univ. Paris-Saclay

                           “Slowing down the light in vacuum with intense laser pulses”

11:30-12:00          (Invited) Ralf Schuetzhold, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

                           “Detection schemes for quantum vacuum diffraction and birefringence”

12:00-12:15          Chul Min Kim, Center for Relativistic Laser Science

“Vacuum birefringence under wrenched electromagnetic fields”

12:15-13:30          Lunch

Session 6. Strong-field phenomena in astrophysics

Chair: Frederico Fiuza, Instituto Superior Tecnico

13:30-14:00          (Invited) Yasuhiro Kuramitsu, Osaka Univ.

“Relativistic plasma astrophysics with intense lasers: intrinsic dynamics of collisionless shocks and nonthermal particle acceleration”

14:00-14:30          (Invited) Dong-Hoon Kim, Seoul National Univ.

“Electromagnetic radiation from neutron star magnetospheres”

14:30-15:00          (Tutorial) Ralf Schuetzhold, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

                           “From Hawking radiation to ultra-intense lasers”

15:00-18:30          Excursion

18:30-20:00          Conference dinner



Day 4: Sep. 15 (Fri.)                                                                                   

Session 7. Extreme classical electrodynamics and particle acceleration

Chair: Baifei Shen, Shanghai Normal Univ.

9:00-9:30             (Invited) Gabriele Grittani, Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC

“Extreme energy LWFA electron beams: applications for fundamental sciences”

9:30-9:45             Evgeny Gelfer, The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC 

“Coherent nonlinear Thomson scattering and radiation friction at moderate laser intensities”

9:45-10:00            Michael Quin, Max Planck Inst. for Nuclear Physics

                           “Interparticle Fields and Collective Radiation Reaction”

10:00-10:15          Kyle Fleck, Queen's Univ. of Belfast

                           “Inferring Intensity using Gamma Rays in Electron-Laser Interactions”

10:15-10:30          Qing Zheng Lv, Max Planck Inst. for Nuclear Physics

“Ultrarelativistic electrons in counterpropagating laser beams: theory and application”

10:30-11:00          Coffee break

Session 8. New physics with strong fields

Chair: Evgeny Gelfer, The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC

11:00-11:30          (Invited) Kensuke Homma, Hiroshima Univ.   

“Search for axion-like particles with combinations of high-intensity coherent fields”

11:30-11:45          Stefan Evans, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

                           “Searching for axions in quantum vacuum birefringence”

11:45-12:15          (Invited) Martin Formanek, ELI Beamlines Facility

                           “Accumulation of strong field effects in long-duration flying focus pulses”

12:15-12:30          Yue-Yue Chen, Shanghai Normal Univ.

“Helicity Transfer in Strong Laser Fields via the Electron Anomalous Magnetic Moment”

12:30-12:45          Concluding remarks

12:45-14:00          Farewell lunch



Poster presentations                                                                     






Hyeongil Kim

Gwangju Inst. of Sci. and Tech.

Electron-positron beam generation by irradiating four different materials of solids with laser-accelerated electrons


Fabian Schütze

Helmholtz Inst. Jena

Enhancing the signal-to-background separation for quantum vacuum signals in laser pulse collisions


Tatiana Smorodnikova

Stanford PULSE Inst.

Experiment 320 at SLAC 
(supplementary to the talk in Session 3)


Jeong-uk Shin

Center for Relativistic Laser Science

Shaping octave-spanning ultrashort laser pulses using multiple prisms


Wosik Cho

Center for Relativistic Laser Science

Temporal contrast measurement using tunneling ionization


Taeyong Kwon

Center for Relativistic Laser Science

Wavefront reconstruction from multiple near-focus beam profile measurements


Yinren Shou

Center for Relativistic Laser Science

Over-110 MeV Protons Accelerated from Petawatt-Laser-Driven Nanometer Foils


Chiwan Song

Center for Relativistic Laser Science

Temperature evolution of dense gold and diamond heated by energetic laser-driven aluminum ions


Frida Brogren

Gothenburg Univ.

Machine learning based prediction of electron and X-ray properties for non-invasive measurements


Giulio Audagnotto

Max Planck Inst. for Nuclear physics

Proportionality of gravitational and electromagnetic radiation by an electron in an intense plane wave