Speaker : Shinji Mukohyama
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
Title : Gravity and cosmology beyond general relativity
Abstract :
General relativity, along with quantum theory, is the foundation of modern physics. However, it is highly likely that a theory of gravity that goes beyond general relativity will be needed to solve some of the difficult problems facing general relativity. In addition, gravity has never been directly measured at short distances of less than one micron or at long distances on the scale of cosmology, and modifying general relativity at such short or long distances is consistent with observations and experiments. Therefore, there are growing expectations for a theory of gravity that goes beyond general relativity from both theoretical and observational/experimental perspectives. In addition, signs of gravity beyond general relativity are likely to appear in strong gravity on astronomical scales, such as black holes. This talk is an introduction to gravity and cosmology beyond general relativity and will cover the following topics: general relativity and Lovelock's theorem; massive gravity; methods of effective field theory.