May 19 – 21, 2016
Asia/Seoul timezone



All international invited speakers will stay at SHILLA STAY ULSAN. The hotel is located in down town Ulsan.  IBS Center for Soft and Living Matter has a special discount deal with the hotel.  One night at standard room is about 80 US dollar.  If  you want to stay in this hotel, please let us know about your plan in advance. We will reserve rooms for you.  You can  pay for the room at the front of the hotel after your arriving. 


Reservation Information

Chi-Keung Chan,   Arriving on May 18/Leaving on May 21 (3 nights with PY Lai)

Hsuan-Yi Chen,   Arriving on May 18/Leaving on May 22 (4 nights)

Hyoung Jin Choi,   Arriving on May 19/Leaving on May 21 (2 nights)

Mahn Won Kim,    Arriving on May 19/Leaving on May 21 (2 nights)

Yoon-hwae Hwang, Commuting from home

Pik-Yin Lai,   Arriving on May 18/Leaving on May 21 (3 nights with CK Chan)

Hyunggyu Park,  Arriving on May 19/Leaving on May 21 (2 nights)

Hyuk Kyu Pak,  Commuting from home

Leihan Tang,    Arriving on May 18/Leaving on May 21 (3 nights)

Kiwing To,  Arriving on May 19/Leaving on May 22 (3 nights)

Penger Tong,  Arriving on May 18/Leaving on May 21 (3 nights)

Ke-Qing Xia,   Arriving on May 18/Leaving on May 21 (3 nights)

Jie Zhang,    Arriving on May 18/Leaving on May 20 (2 nights)