Jul 14 – 16, 2024
Institute for Basic Science
Asia/Seoul timezone

The SAMURAI International Workshop 2024 will be held at S221-B at Science Culture Center Building, IBS, hosted by IBS (Daejeon, Korea) from 14 - 16 July.

The workshop will consist of presentations and discussions related to all aspects of SAMURAI based experiments:

  • New proposals, letters of intent or ideas for experiments
  • Reports on new and existing detectors
  • Reports on the analysis of experiments and the results


Potential speakers are requested to register in this indico page with your presentation title. 

The proponents of new proposals or re-submissions are also requested to provide a preproposal well in advance. The preproposal can be submitted via samurai-contact@ribf.riken.jp and the preproposal will be distributed to the board members before the workshop.

If you have any inquiries, please contact the workshop organiser via sunjikim@ibs.re.kr


  • Entrance process

The Science Culture Center Building, where the SAMURAI International Workshop will be held, and the 1st floor of the IBS main building (for the banquet) can be accessed without any special process. If you plan to visit the 3rd floor (CENS) of the IBS main building, please bring identification such as a passport.


  • Zoom link: 



  • From Hotel to the Science Culture Center Building, IBS
Institute for Basic Science
S221-B, IBS Science Culture Center building
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Registration for this event is currently open.