12–23 Dec 2016
Asia/Seoul timezone


How to get to  KAIST Munji Campus


There is no subway station near the Munji Campus.

* Daejeon Subway


* Intelligent Transportation System (Daejeon BUS)


Daejeon City Bus Information

You can find the detail of route by type in the bus  number in menu 1, e.g. type either one of 121, 705, 802, 918 and click search button.

Or you can type  the name of bus stops (from, to) in themenu 2to find the bus number to the destination and map  of the bus route.It is case sensitive(e.g. Expo Apts. cannot be searched with expo apts.) There is also Bus Stop ID. 

Bus fare is 1200 won (about 1 US $) and should be paid when you take the bus.You need coins or 1000 won bills to use the bus. 


1. From Daejeon station

In google map  search for "KAIST Munji-ro", or "Information and Communications University",  or ICU Daejeon. CTPU is NOT in the KAIST main campus.



Google Map link



  • Take bus 705(to Sintanjin) or 802(to Bongsan-dong) at a bus stop.
  • Take off at Expo Apts. (ID 44240) (google map suggest to take off at "Munji Samguri", but "Ekspo Ah-Pah-Tu" station is closer.)    
  • Check the bus route at  Daejeon City Bus Information .                       
  • Cross the main road at the nearest traffic sign and go straight along the Jeonmin-ro street for 400m.

  • Turn left when you arrive a small four way intersection, which is the KAIST Munji Campus entrance

  • CTPU is on the 3rd floor of the Faculty Wing of KAIST Munji Campus. 


2. From Shintanjin Station

  • Take bus 705 at a bus stop across the station plaza.
  • Take off at Munji Elementary School Entrance. 
  • Check the bus route at   Daejeon City Bus Information .   
  • Go straight along the Jeonmin-ro street 400m and turn left to the KAIST. 
  • Same as above


3. From Daejeon Government Complex

Some Intercity buses stop at Government Complex.

There are two buses, 705 and 918.

(English-language broadcationg service is unavailable.)

  • Takebus 918(To Tamnip-dong) at Government Complex South Gate station 
  • Take off atLG Chem/Research Park(ID 44020) (9 stops away)
  • Cross the main road and you will arrive at KAIST Munji Campus


  • Take bus 705 at a bus stop across the road.
  • Take off atExpo Apts.
  • The same asby train.
  • Check the bus route at   Daejeon City Bus Information .   


4. To Hotels

From Daejeon Station to Good Morning Residence Hotel

  • Take subway to Banseock and take off atCity Hall.
  • FromExit 2walk straight to the 4 way cross road
  • Cross the main road and turn right and follow Daedeok Daero 220street. 


  • Take 705and take off at Ai building.
  • Walk along the Dunsan-ro 65, for one block.
  • Check the bus route at   Daejeon City Bus Information .   


From Goverment Complex to Good Morning Residence Hotel


  • It takes about 15 to 20 min by walk
  • It cost about 3000 won (2.5 US $) by Taxi.


From Daejeon Station to ICC/Innopolis guest house


From Goverment Complex to ICC/Innopolis guest house

  • Take 618(to Smart City Apts.) at Government Complex-Daejeon West Gate(ID 32270)
  • Take off at Smart City Apts.5(ID 43310).
  • Check the bus route at   Daejeon City Bus Information .   


5. From Hotels


From ICC hotel/Innopolis guest house to KAIST Munji Campus

  • Take121 or 705at  MBC(ID 43320) bus stop and passes 5 stops
  • Take  off atExpo Apts.stop. 
  • Check the bus route at   Daejeon City Bus Information .   


From Good Morning Residance Hotel to KAIST Munji Campus

  • At I building which is Ai building stop, take705and passes 11 stops.
  • Take off atExpo Apts. stop.
  • Check the bus route at   Daejeon City Bus Information .   


From ICC Hotel/Innopolis guest house to Daejeon Station

  • Take 705(to Daejeon Station) at Daejeon Convention Center(ID 43280).
  • Take off at Daejeon Station. 
  • Check the bus route at   Daejeon City Bus Information .   


From Good Morning Residence Hotel to Daejeon Station

  • Take subway toPanam and take off at Daejeon Station. 


  • Take 705 and take off at Dunsan 2(e)-dong Community Center(ID 32230)and take off atDaejeon Station.
  • Check the bus route at   Daejeon City Bus Information .   


From ICC Hotel/Innopolis guest house to Government Complex Intercity Bus Station.

  • Take 618(to Daejeon University) at Daejeon Convention Center(ID 45550).
  • Take off at Prehistoric Site(ID 32980).
  • Check the bus route at   Daejeon City Bus Information .   

From Good Morning Residence Hotel to Government Complex Intercity Bus Station.

  • At I building which is Ai building stop, take 705 and passes 3 stops.
  • Take off atGovernment Complex-Daejeon West Gate(ID 32170).
  • Check the bus route at   Daejeon City Bus Information .   


6. From KAIST Munji Campus


To Daejeon Station,

  • Take918(to Daejeon Metropolitan City Hall)from KAIST Munji Campus front gate. It is the same stop as LG Chem/Research Park (ID 44030) in Intelligent Transportation System.
  • Take off atDaejeon Station


  • Take705 (to Daejeon Station) fromMunji Elementary School Entrance.
  • Take off atDaejeon Station
  • Check the bus route at   Daejeon City Bus Information .   

To Government Complex Intercity Bus Terminal 

  • Take 918(to Daejeon Metropolitan City Hall) from KAIST Munji Campus front gate. It is the same stop as LG Chem/Research Park (ID 44030) in Intelligent Transportation System.
  • Take off at Mugunghwa Apts(ID 32140).


  • take 705 (to Daejeon Station) from Munji Elementary School Entrance.
  • Take off atPrehistoric Site(ID 32980)stop.
  • Check the bus route at   Daejeon City Bus Information .   

To ICC Hotel/Innopolis guest house

  • Take 705  or121  from Munji Elementary School Entrance.
  • Take off at MBC.
  • Check the bus route at   Daejeon City Bus Information .   

To Good Morning Residence Hotel

  • Take 705 from Munji Elementary School Entrance.
  • Take off at Dunsan 2(e)-dong Community Center(ID 32230)
  • Walk along the Dunsan-ro 65, for one block.
  • Check the bus route at   Daejeon City Bus Information .