New site for neutron-capture in population III and population II stars

27 Jun 2017, 10:05
Hotel ICC, Daejeon, Korea

Hotel ICC, Daejeon, Korea

4-29 Doryong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea; Tel +82 42)866-5000~5003
Oral Presentation Session 1 (Chair: Y. S. Lee)


Projjwal Banerjee


We propose a new site for neutron-capture process in massive metal-free and metal-poor stars during the late stages of their evolution. We find that a wide range of neutron-capture abundance patterns can be produced which can explain origin of neutron capture elements observed in many metal-poor stars including CEMP-s, CEMP-rs, and CEMP-no stars. This can fundamentally change our understanding of the origin of heavy elements as well as the evolution of the early Galaxy and the nature of first stars.

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