4:30 PM
K-evolution (Non-linear evolution of k-essence field)
Farbod Hassani
(U. of Geneva)
4:30 PM
CMB-S4 Forecast on the Primordial non-Gaussianity Parameter of Feature Models
Wuhyun Sohn
(U. of Cambridge)
4:30 PM
Redshift-space streaming velocity effects on the baryon acoustic oscillation scale
Jahmour Givans
(Ohio State U.)
4:30 PM
Reexamining Constraints on High-Mass High-Cross Section Dark Matter
Matthew Digman
(Ohio State U.)
4:30 PM
''Invisible'' QCD axion rolling through the QCD phase transition
Sejin Kim
(KyungHee U.)
4:30 PM
Einstein Double Equations
Jeong-Hyuck Park
(Sogang U.)
4:30 PM
Leptoquark portals for B-meson anomalies and dark matter
Tae Gyu Ro
(Chung-Ang U.)
4:30 PM
Probing The Isotropy of Cosmic Acceleration Using Different Supernova Samples
Zhiqiang Sun
(Nanjing U.)
4:30 PM
PyCosmo: An Integrated Cosmological Boltzmann Solver
Federica Tarsitano
(ETH Zurich)
4:30 PM
Precise peculiar velocities from gravitational waves accompanied by electromagnetic signals and cosmological applications
Yuyang Wang
(Nanjing U.)
4:30 PM
Detection of Intrinsic Spin Alignments in Isolated Spiral Pairs
Hanwool Koo
4:30 PM
Reconstructing properties of WIMP DM
Sebastian Trojanowski
(National Centre for Nuclear Research)