Plenary Session
- Kiwoon Choi
Plenary Session
- Eung Jin Chun
Plenary Session
- Jun’ich Yokoyama
Plenary Session: Plenary Session
- Shigeki Matsumoto
Plenary Session: Plenary Session
- There are no conveners in this block
Plenary Session: Plenary Session
- Hang Bae Kim
Plenary Session: Plenary Session
- Marco Peloso
Plenary Session: Plenary Session
- Arman Shafieloo
Plenary Session: Plenary Session
- Sunghoon Jung
Plenary Session: Plenary Session
- Ashley Ross
Plenary Session: Plenary Session
- Jihn E. Kim
Lawrence Hall
(U. C. Berkeley)
8/27/18, 9:00 AM
Spacetime parity provides an important alternative to the Peccei-Quinn solution of the strong CP problem. Furthermore, it provides an understanding of why the Higgs quartic coupling is so small at very high energies. Two theories with parity restoration are discussed, one with precision gauge coupling unification and another with a new dark matter candidate. I discuss signals for a...
Takeo Moroi
(U. of Tokyo)
8/27/18, 9:30 AM
I discuss a possibility to convert dark radiation to photon in the
early universe. In particular, I show that dark radiation consisting
of axion-like particles can resonantly convert into photons under the
intergalactic magnetic field. Such a conversion process can
effectively heat up the Rayleigh-Jeans tail of the CMB, which may
explain the anomaly in the 21cm spectrum recently...
Jihn E. Kim
(Kyung Hee U.)
8/27/18, 11:00 AM
I discuss the invisible axion arising from GUTs and string compactification. It will also include our recent calculation of the current misalignment angle, which leads to about $10^{-18}\bar{\theta}_1$ where $\bar{\theta}_1$ is the initial misalignment angle at the time $m_a=3H$.
David Marsh
(U. of Goettingen)
8/27/18, 11:30 AM
Axions span a vast parameter space, from axion inflation at the GUT scale, to axion dark energy at the Hubble scale. In between lie the benchmark models of the QCD axion, and “fuzzy dark matter”. Remarkably, vast swathes of this parameter space can be probed. I will review a mixed bag of such constraints and searches, with a focus on cosmology. I will also briefly discuss exciting new ideas in...
Shigeki Matsumoto
(U. of Tokyo)
8/27/18, 2:00 PM
The search for the (thermal)dark matter is one of important goals at future lepton colliders such as ILC and CEPC. I will discuss what kind of role these lepton colliders play on this search and figure out quantitatively what kind of the dark matter can be efficiently detected there, compared to other dark matter experiments at other collider experiments (e.g. LHC), underground experiments...
Andre Luiz De Gouvea
(Northwestern U.)
8/27/18, 2:30 PM
The study of neutrino properties, especially those pertaining to neutrino masses and mixing, is among the most rapidly developing subjects in fundamental physics. Non-zero neutrino masses are the most palpable evidence of physics beyond the standard model and there are several current and future experiments poised to make new discoveries. I will present the current status of neutrino physics,...
Kentaro Nagamine
(Osaka U.)
8/27/18, 3:00 PM
The cosmological model dominated by dark matter and dark energy has proven to be very successful in explaining the structure formation on large scales (>~1Mpc). There are so-called `small-scale problems’ of the Lambda-CDM model, however, many of them can be solved by astrophysical effects of baryons and feedback. I will review some of these issues, and discuss the current efforts in taking...
Jodi Cooley
(Southern Methodist U.)
8/27/18, 4:00 PM
Direct detection experiments seek to detect dark matter though its scattering off nuclei in terrestrial detectors. Over the last decade direct detection dark matter experiments have made remarkable progress in searching for the constituents of the dark matter that makes up ~80% of the matter density of the Universe. Experiments using liquid noble elements are quickly approaching a regime...
Ning Zhou
(Shanghai Jiao Tong U.)
8/27/18, 4:30 PM
PandaX experiment, located at China JinPing underground Laboratory (CJPL), is a 500kg scale liquid xenon dark matter direct detection experiment. With recent data, PandaX-II experiment obtained stringent upper limits on the spin-independent (SI) and spin-dependent (SD) WIMP-nucleon elastic scattering cross sections. Alternative models of dark matter are also explored using this data....
Yi Wang
(Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology)
8/28/18, 9:30 AM
The conventional way to study high energy particle physics is to build particle colliders. In fact, the nature has already built a “collider” running at unprecedentedly high energy (up to 10^13 GeV): During cosmic inflation, high energy particles (up to the Hubble scale of inflation) are produced and interacts with each other. The relics of the interaction are imprinted in the density...
Marco Peloso
(U. of Minnesota)
8/28/18, 10:00 AM
We will discuss several phenomenological signatures that can
result from particle production during inflation, with a particular attentions to models of axion inflation. The signatures include large non-gaussianity and sourced gravitational waves at CMB scales, primordial black holes, and gravitational waves at interferometer scales.
Eiichiro Komatsu
(Max Planck Institute)
8/28/18, 11:00 AM
It has been widely assumed that detection of primordial gravitational waves from inflation in, for example, B-mode polarisation of the cosmic microwave background, immediately implies discovery of the quantum nature of spacetime. While this statement is true for the vacuum solution, it does not apply if the gravitational waves originate from the matter fields. How can we distinguish between...
Hyun Min Lee
(Chung-Ang U.)
8/28/18, 11:30 AM
We consider the extension of the Standard Model (SM) with a light inflaton where both unitarity problem in Higgs inflation and vacuum instability problem are resolved. The linear non-minimal coupling of the inflaton to gravity leads to a significant kinetic mixing between the inflaton and the graviton such that perturbative unitarity is restored up to Planck scale. We show the correlation...
Hiranya Peiris
(U. College London)
8/29/18, 9:00 AM
We are entering a transformative period in observational cosmology. Surveys starting in 2019 promise to solve key problems in cosmology — but only if we develop new approaches for handling the volume and complexity of the data. Extracting robust cosmological information from these surveys is a major challenge that will require development and validation of analysis methods at each step of the...
Xuelei Chen
(National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
8/29/18, 9:30 AM
I'll review the science potential, challenge and recent
progresses of observing the redshifted 21cm line in cosmology, and also
discuss the Tianlai experiment in China.
Fernando Quevedo
(International Centre for Theoretical Physics)
8/29/18, 10:00 AM
Ashley Ross
(Ohio State U.)
8/29/18, 11:30 AM
I will summarize the ways in which galaxy surveys test the properties of Dark Energy and the current constraints based on these tests. I will include a particular focus on the use of distance measurements provided by measuring the baryon acoustic oscillation feature in the distribution of galaxies. I will discuss some of the current tensions within the LCDM model and the future measurements...
Myungshin Im
(Seoul National U.)
8/30/18, 9:00 AM
On August 17th 2017, for the first time in the history, the gravitational wave (GW) detectors recorded signals coming from the merger of two neutron stars. This event was named as GW170817, and more interestingly, gamma-ray emission was detected 2 seconds after the gravitational wave signal, and 11 hours later, telescopes in Chile identified that the GW signal came from the NGC 4993 galaxy at...
Chunglee kim
(Ewha Womans U.)
8/30/18, 9:30 AM
Discoveries of binary black holes (BBHs) and binary neutron stars via gravitational waves (GWs) opened a new window to explore the universe. So far the GW astronomy is accessible between about 25 Hz up to 2000 Hz (by LIGO and Virgo detectors on Earth). Compact objects such as neutron stars and black holes with masses around O(1) - O(100) Solar masses are main sources in this frequency range....
Salvatore Vitale
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
8/30/18, 10:30 AM
Ground-based gravitational-wave detectors have opened new avenues to explore the universe. The detections of several binary black holes have allowed, for the first time, to access these objects without needs for photons, and to directly measure their masses and spins. The spectacular join detection of gravitational waves and light from the binary neutron star system GW170817 has shown the...
David Polarski
(Montpellier 2 U.)
8/30/18, 11:00 AM
We will present some results about the growth index, a phenomenological tool that can be used
for the characterization of the growth of matter perturbations. Partly related to this, we
will also consider the behaviour of the effective gravitational coupling in modified gravity
dark energy models.
Kael Hanson
(U. of Wisconsin-Madison)
8/31/18, 9:00 AM
Geraldine Servant
(U. of Hamburg)
8/31/18, 9:30 AM
The origin of the matter antimatter asymmetry of the universe remains unexplained in the Standard Model of particle physics. The origin of the flavour structure is another major puzzle of the theory. In this talk, we report on recent work attempting to link the two themes through the appealing framework of electroweak baryogenesis. We show that Yukawa couplings of Standard Model fermions can...
Sunghoon Jung
(Seoul National U.)
8/31/18, 10:00 AM
We propose that LIGO can see the dark matter possibly in the form of a compact object of 10 solar mass or heavier. It is through the fringe signal imprinted on the gravitational wave(GW). The fringe is a frequency-dependent interference pattern induced gravitationally when the GW passes by compact dark matter. Surprisingly, LIGO is the one that can measure this most efficiently. We discuss...