Jun 14 – 18, 2021
Asia/Seoul timezone


Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe, Institute for Basic Science,
Daejeon, Korea, June 14-18, 2021.


PASCOS 2021 the 26th International Symposium on Particle Physics, String Theory, and Cosmology, will take place on June 14-18, 2021. The aim of the conference is to review recent progress in particle physics, astroparticle physics, string theory and cosmology, with particular emphasis on their interconnections. The symposium is a platform for researchers to report and discuss what has been learnt and what might show up in the next few years. Topics will include new physics at LHC, gravitational waves, neutrinos, dark matter and non-accelerator probes of new physics, string theory and new results in cosmology.

The conference includes invited plenary talks as well as contributed talks. We particularly welcome and encourage the participation of early career researchers.

PASCOS 2021 will be hosted via ZOOM  by the Institute for Basic Science, Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe, Daejeon, Republic of Korea



Important deadlines (in KST)

May 5: presentation registration

June 7: general registration


IBS  (Online): Zoom link will be sent to the registered participants. It will be broadcasted through Youtube too. At youtube.com, search for 'PASCOS 2021'.

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ZOOM (Online)
Institute for Basic Science (IBS) 55, Expo-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea, 34126
International Advisory Committee Local Organising Committee

J. Bagger (APS, USA)
W. Buchmuller (DESY, Germany)
A. Casas (IFT-Madrid, Spain)
M. J. Duff (Imperial Coll., London, England)
P. Fileviez Perez (Case Western Reserve U., USA)
P. Frampton (University of Salento, Italy)
J. Gunion (UC-Davis, USA)
B. Grzadkowski (Warsaw Univ., Poland)
J. E. Kim (Kyung Hee Univ., Korea)
O. Kong (National Central Univ., Taiwan)
M. Mondragon (UNAM, Mexico)
R.C. Myers (Perimeter Institute, Canada)
P. Nath (Northeastern Univ., USA)
A. Pilaftsis (University of Manchester, UK)
F. Quevedo (Cambridge U., England, Italy)
S. Raby (Ohio State University, USA)
P. Shellard (Cambridge U., DAMTP, England)
J. Silk (University of Oxford, England)
G. Starkman (Case Western Reserve U., USA)
J. Tran Thanh Van (Orsay, LPT, France)
J. W. F. Valle (IFIC-Valencia, Spain)
M. Vaughn (Northeastern Univ., USA)
K. C. Wali (Syracuse Univ., USA)

Sanghyeon Chang (IBS-CTPU)
Kiwoon Choi (IBS-CTPU)
Jinn-Ouk Gong (Ewha U.)
Kenji Kadota (IBS-CTPU)
Hung Do Kim (SNU)
Hye-Sung Lee (KAIST)
Seung J. Lee (Korea U.)
Seung-Joo Lee (IBS-CTPU)
Arman Shafieloo (KASI)
Yeong Duk Kim (IBS-CUP)
Yannis Semertzidis (IBS-CAPP/KAIST)
Jaewon Song (KAIST)
Un-ki Yang (SNU)
Piljin Yi (KIAS)


