14–18 Jun 2021
Asia/Seoul timezone

Axion Dark Matter Searches

16 Jun 2021, 08:20
ZOOM (Online) (IBS)

ZOOM (Online)


Institute for Basic Science (IBS) 55, Expo-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea, 34126


Gray Rybka (U. of Washington)


The QCD axion is one of the leading particle candidates to explain what makes up the dark matter of the universe. In the last decade, advances in detectors has enabled the construction of experiments that are sensitive to the most plausible axion dark matter models. Now the race is on to search the theoretically favored masses and couplings and make a discovery. I will highlight efforts world-wide to find the axion and discuss recent results from the Axion Dark Matter Experiment, the most sensitive experiment presently operating.

Presentation materials