14–18 Jun 2021
Asia/Seoul timezone

Axion Dark Matter Search at IBS/CAPP in Korea

14 Jun 2021, 14:00
ZOOM (Online) (IBS)

ZOOM (Online)


Institute for Basic Science (IBS) 55, Expo-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea, 34126




It is extremely challenging to build an axion dark matter search experiment that could explore the wide range of plausible masses with enough sensitivity. However, thanks to recent technological advances in superconducting material research, physicists are now embarking on the most sensitive search yet for axons. For the last seven years, IBS/CAPP has established the state-of-the-art axion detector facility in Korea with six dilution refrigerators, of which three axion detectors are running and taking data in parallel now. The powerful 12 T big-bore (32 cm) Nb3Sn superconducting magnet has been added to the line-up and ready to take physics data this summer. CAPP is now standing at the critical time moving forward with improvements from R&Ds, raising the axion-to-photon conversion power, lowering the system noise and eventually increasing the scanning speed to cover more mass ranges in less time. The critical R&Ds include the development of quantum noise limited amplifiers in collaboration with the Nakamura group at the U. of Tokyo and the superconducting ReBCO cavity that sustains high Q-factor even at 8 T. We are now preparing an axion data run with quantum amplifiers and a superconducting cavity within this year. I will present the status of CAPP’s axion search and R&D efforts, including future plans.

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