Plenary 3
- Jaewon Song (KAIST)
Hirosi Ooguri
6/15/21, 8:20 AM
I will discuss two types of singularities in amplitudes caused by null geodesics in anti-de Sitter spacetime and their resolutions by stringy effects. Certain Landau singularities are resolved by the Gross-Mende effect, and null singularities near the black hole photon sphere are resolved by stringy tidal effects. Interpretations of these singularities and their resolutions in the context of...
Liam McAllister
(Cornell U.)
6/15/21, 9:00 AM
I will report on progress in computing four-dimensional effective theories of quantum gravity from compactifications of string theory. I will describe applications to axion cosmology, the strong CP problem, and black hole superradiance, emphasizing novel aspects that arise when the number of moduli is large.