Plenary 9
- Un-ki Yang (SNU)
Todd Adams
(Florida State U.)
6/18/21, 8:20 AM
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world’s highest energy accelerator and LHC Run 2 provides a spectacular dataset to search for evidence of physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM). The energy allows for the production of high mass particles that could not be produced anywhere else while the large Run 2 dataset is exploring rare processes. Results from searches from the ATLAS, CMS, and...
Michael Peskin
(SLAC/Stanford U.)
6/18/21, 9:40 AM
The next goal for high-energy accelerator experiments is the precision study of the Higgs boson. This can be accomplished by an electron-positron collider covering the energy region 250 GeV - 1 TeV. There is now an opportunity to construct an accelerator of this type, an e+e- Higgs Factory. In this talk, I will review (1) why the study of the Higgs boson is so important, and how it can open a...