May 23 – 27, 2017
Asia/Seoul timezone

Development of a low alpha emitting μ-PIC for NEWAGE direction-sensitive dark matter search

May 26, 2017, 10:20 AM


Oral Session 7


Mr takashi Hashimoto (Kobe Univ.)


The NEWAGE detector is a gaseous micro-TPC using μ-PIC. We found the main background sources are alpha rays from the radioactive contaminations in the μ-PIC. So, low alpha emitting μ-PICs have been developed. The performance of these μ-PICs will be presented. We set up a surface alpha ray counter using micro TPC in Kamioka mine. We measured surface alpha ray emission rate of the μ-PIC. The result will be presented.

Primary author

Mr takashi Hashimoto (Kobe Univ.)


Dr Atsuhiko Ochi (Kobe Univ.) Dr Kentaro Miuchi (Kobe Univ.) Dr Kiseki Nakamura (Kyoto univ.) Ms Miki Nakazawa (Kobe Univ.) Mr Ryosuke Taishaku (Kobe Univ.) Mr Ryota Yakabe (Kobe Univ.) Mr Tomonori Ikeda (Kobe Univ.)

Presentation materials