Aug 1 – 5, 2022
Bldg #104, UNIST KOREA
Asia/Seoul timezone


The 9th Soft Matter Summer School

Registration fee

Registration fee

  1. KRW 100,000 or USD 100 (Accommodation and meal are not incudeed)
  2. KRW 300,000 or USD 300 (Accommodation and meal are included)

If you want to stay in the accomdation during the event, please click here

- Your can choose your registartion fee depend on your options at payment stage
- If you come from overseas, your registration fee can be waived after review your application.
- Invited speakers are waived from the registration fee
- Participants (especially, students and postdocs) are encouraged to present a poster during the poster session.
- The registration fee for the Members of CSLM is wived and do not need to make a payment
-Application for the Accommodation has been over from 21th July